Which location does this pertain too?

Please review the items listed below and check off which items you have. Leave the box blank for items you do not have. The list of items is not all-inclusive. The materials and equipment help programs meet indicator requirements in the environment rating scale.

Items listed on this inventory were compiled by reviewing the ITERS-3 Rating Scale.

Please remember that the noted list of equipment, materials and supplies is a guideline for inventory of materials and equipment for the rating scales. If you are using this checklist in preparation of adding materials and equipment to improve quality, confer with your technical assistance consultant to prioritize items you would like to purchase.

Consumable items for your program or in the art supply area cannot be purchased with mini grant funds

#15 Fine Motor

3.1 At least 5 different choices-complete, functional, and appropriate

5.1 At least 10 different choices accessible throughout the observation

7.1 More than 10 different choices accessible throughout the observation

#16 Art

*N/A if all children in group are younger than 18 months and no art activities are observed.

**All Materials must be non-toxic and safe. No edible materials

*Consumable items will not be purchased using mini grant funds

3.1 At least 1 material accessible to children 24 months and older

5.1 At least 1 drawing material accessible to children 24 months and older throughout the observation

#17 Music and Movement

3.1 At least 3 music materials

5.1 At least 10 instruments

3.1, 5.1, 7.1 Recorded music (played by staff or children) may count for 1 music material