Which location does this pertain too?

Please review the items listed below and check off the items you have. Leave the box blank for items you do not have. The list of items is not all-inclusive. The materials and equipment help programs meet indicator requirements in the environment rating scale.

Items listed on this inventory were compiled by reviewing the ECERS-3 Rating Scale.

Please remember that the noted list of equipment, materials and supplies is a guideline for inventory of materials and equipment for the rating scales. If you are using this checklist in preparation of adding materials and equipment to improve quality, confer with your technical assistance consultant to prioritize items you would like to purchase.

Consumable items for your program or in the art supply area cannot be purchased with mini grant funds.

#2 Furnishings for care, play, and learning

3.1 Enough furniture for routine care, play, and learning (each child has some place to store personal possessions; enough shelves for toys, books, and other materials). Enough means for the # of children typically present.

3.4 At least 2 soft furnishings

5.1 Ample furniture for routine care, play, and learning. Ample means for the # of children allowed in the room (maximum enrollment).

5.2 Chairs and tables are child-sized for 75% of the children.

5.3 Two pieces of furniture, each designed for a different specific activity (e.g., graduated bookshelf; sand-water table; easel; wood-working bench).

#5 Child-related displays

3.1 Some (more than 2) materials displayed (photos of children, artwork, colorful posters; charts/graphs)

5.1 Many items displayed for children throughout the room

5.2 Some of the display is related to topics of current interest to the children in the group

7.1 About half of the display is related to current interests of children in the group

#15 Encouraging children’s use of books

3.1 At least 15 books accessible

5.1 “Many” means at least 35 books for 20 children.

7.1 “Wide selection” means a “significant variety” of topics.

7.2 At least 5 books related to current classroom activities or themes